Rep. Chloe Tomlinson: Public transit is essential
Public transit is essential to making sure our transportation system meets the basic mobility needs of all Vermonters - including those who can’t afford a car; our elders who no longer drive; youth who don’t yet have a license; newly arrived refugee and immigrant families; folks with disabilities; and others who don’t have access to a driver's license.
When people don’t have reliable access to transportation, it hinders their ability to get to the doctor, to work, to child care, and to shop for food and basic needs. Additionally, it’s an economic justice issue. Vermont households spend more than $3,200 on average on transportation expenses annually, up from $2,600 in 2019. Further, the transportation burden falls the hardest on lower income households, and more rural households who pay a higher percentage of their income in transportation costs.
Public transit has benefits not just for the individuals or households who utilize it, but all of us. It adds to the economic vibrancy of our communities, decreases congestion, protects our air quality, and decreases our emissions - which is particularly important as our transportation sector makes up the biggest portion of Vermont’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Despite the demonstrated value of public transit, our Transportation Budget of nearly 900 million dollars only dedicates 6% of funding to public transit. This is a 5% decrease from last fiscal year. Green Mountain Transit has been facing cuts over the past year, and soon those cuts will hit rural providers as well.
Progressives will continue to fight for robust public transit funding, and work towards a sustainable revenue source for this essential system. We should be investing in a future where Vermonters can get where they need to go regardless of if they have access to a car, in a way that doesn’t break their budget, that helps us reach our climate goals, and that builds community. Please reach out to your legislators and the Governor link to ask how they’re working to support public transit.
In solidarity,
Rep. Chloe Tomlinson, Chittenden-21
House Committee on Transportation