Public education funding and lgbtq + issues

VWith legislation attacking the right of LGBTQ+ students and educators to exist proudly in their schools, as well as hate crimes and discrimination towards LGBTQ+ youth on an upswing, it is critical that we keep our public schools free of bigotry, hate, and homophobia, and protect the ability of educators to teach about LGBTQ+ issues. 

A new bill draft, 23-0910 – draft 4.1, amends the statutes governing the approval of independent schools to receive public education funding to require compliance with several requirements. Other than requiring no admission processes for private schools using public funding, this bill does not meet the necessary changes to protect our students- especially in regards to ensuring that tax payer money does not fund state-sanctioned discrimination. This failure of distinction maintains a pathway for discriminatory policies and practices in private schools funded by public education dollars, which can be dangerous for students and educators seeking a safe and fulfilling educational experience.

Legislation addressing the public funding of private institutions should — at a time when being LGBTQ+ is being criminalized across the country— ensure that real safeguards are in place to protect queer and trans educators, students, and relevant, historically accurate curriculum.

In a similar vein, Rep. Troy Headrick’s bill, H.106, attempts to prevent attempts to prohibit educators from discussing matters of gender identity, as well as systemic and structural racism. It would prevent outside, privately funded groups from impacting how we academically prepare Vermont students. This bill is about trust, teacher autonomy and ability to share their perspective and lived experience, and freedom to connect with students to affirm their individual identities.

Action Alert

The Vermont PRO Act would be a huge win for labor in Vermont. It would “improve worker protections for organizing and collective bargaining through ending at-will employment, making it easier for workers in the public sector to form unions, expanding collective bargaining rights to historically marginalized forms of labor, and protecting workers’ freedom of speech by preventing employers from forcing employees to attend captive audience meetings.”

Take action and write to the Vermont House Committee on General and Housing, and the Senate Committee on General and Housing and Economic Development to urge them to vote YES on this critical bill. You can share our social media posts on this action alert on instagram, twitter, and facebook as well.

Public caucus

Tomorrow, we have our public caucus on Public Education and LGBTQ+ issues in VT public schools with Mike McRaith from the VT Principal’s Association, Dana Kaplan from Outright VT, and Colin Robinson from VT NEA, the Union of Vermont Educators. We will be discussing the new bill on public financing of independent schools, Rep. Headrick’s bill to protect educators’ ability to educate about LGBTQ+ issues, and the national crisis of attacks on LGBTQ+ identities in public schools. 

You can tune for tomorrow’s caucus at the Legislative Caucus Youtube Channel, or watch the previous public caucus on Aging Vermonters. 

Progs in the Press Readout of White House State Legislative Convening on Equal Pay

Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak was thanked for her leadership on closing the pay gap at a convening of fellow equal pay advocates at the White House.

NBC 5: Burlington City Council considering resolution to support LGBTQ+ community and condemn transphobia

The Burlington City Council was taking steps to support the LGBTQ community following concerns of hate speech in the city. Rep. Mulvaney-Stanak sent in a statement stating, "With the growing attacks against the LGBTQ+ community around the country through proposed legislation and hate crimes, we must remember that these hate stickers and any inaction to enforce existing laws to stop the stickers creates a harmful environment. ... I am currently researching options to strengthen our state hate crime laws to better protect our schools and organizations who serve minoritized communities."

VTDigger: Burlington City Council Passes Resolution Condemning Transphobia

Rep. Mulvaney-Stanak calls for state level action beyond Burlington’s resolution condemning transphobic hate speech.




Labor and aging Vermonters